You have heard of Macy’s, Bank of America, Gucci, and a number of other names. The name is what equates to a brand. We can look at Washington Mutual and realize, at one point in time, they had a highly respected name in banking. Their brand in recent months has dwindled to the point that few people look at them with the respect they once had. Take a look at J.C. Penney. This store, originally created as a dry goods store, has been around since 1912. It has stayed alive because it has maintained its brand through the years.
The point is this – your name, the name of your business – are what people remember about you, and your company. Of course you want to keep your star shining as brightly as possible. To do this there are some things you will want to do, and that may include redesigning your website.

Get Your Website Redesigned
First, we all need to understand that a brand does not just happen. It is something we need to build and grow. We want to establish a name people will remember and then target the name so it is not just a remembered name but so it becomes the preferred choice of the consumer.
If you are on vacation and traveling through an unknown town where you decide to spend the night – would you spend your money to stay at Rock-a-bye Motel, or, for the same amount of money would you choose the Best Western. Most likely you would choose the latter because the name has been branded in your mind. You know you will stay in a clean, comfortable, safe hotel for the night because you not only recognize the name but you also know the value it has to offer.
Another item to remember when selecting your name is that it needs to be unique yet say what you are all about. For example, if you need some plumbing supplies do you want to visit Joe’s or do you want to go to Home Depot. Most likely you will go to Home Depot because you are pretty certain they will have what you need. Joe’s, well, we are not even certain they have plumbing supplies. For all we know they could be a bar, a restaurant, or a number of other businesses.
A key ingredient to your successful branding is your customer service. If you operate a nursery and a customer visits you and wants to buy a specific cherry tree, your sales associates need to know their products as well as detailed information. How will the customer react if the sales person does not know which of the trees are cherry let alone a specific type. Say good-bye to that customer as they head down the street to their old nursery. Although they heard your products might be cheaper the customer has learned their lesson that s/he needs to go to their tried and true place of business where they are now and forever a loyal customer.
You need to establish your name. Once your name is established, in a positive manner, you must start building a reputation whereby your brand will be the first name a customer thinks of when s/he needs a specific item. You must separate yourself from your competitors; build a business brand that creates trust as well as loyalty. One you have positive branding you will grow your business to where you want to take it.