If you are a webmaster, you may want to start supplying geographical region information when doing Google submissions. In case you have not paid close attention, some search results in Google have begun to include this particular information.

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Geographical information can be invaluable because it allows you to quickly determine where a website or company is located. Top level domains, .com, .net, .info and .org, do not allow you to determine location at a glance. However, country code top level domains or ccTLDS such as .ca (Canada) or .com.ar (Argentina) provide the information at a glance.
This has been taken a step further in that you no longer have to click on the results or refine the search to see the actual page for which you are looking, according to Google software engineer Piyush Prahladka. He added that the hope is that region tags will help searchers identify which results are most relevant to their queries.
Anyone who has had to spend any time at all doing searches knows that it is essential to cut down the time spent clicking on links that do not lead you to relevant queries. The seconds that you might save by not having to click on an irrelevant query you might now be able to spend finding the right results. This is especially important to regional marketers who want to concentrate on a particular area. If you can see regional results, you can the concentrate on actual Internet marketing rather than fruitless search queries.
As a webmaster or website owner, you can include this information in Google by logging in to Google Webmaster tools and then going to Site configuration > Settings > Geographic Target. You can then associate your country or region with your website or family of websites.
Be advised that Google is only including the information for certain domains (.com and .net). If you have a site that is location specific (ccTLD – .com.ar, .ca, .br, etc.), then the region tags will not be available. In addition, if you are doing searches from San Diego, no results are going to say US. The region that you are searching in has to be different than the region you are in when you do your search.
However, webmasters and business owners, you should not be upset with this peculiarity in the system. All you have to do is find a proxy in another country, do your search and you will see US results turning up. You can also use Google.co.uk or any other ccTLD for Google to search from and you will see results from other regions.