Web Presence Management and Optimization for Local Companies

7 Reasons Why You Should Choose Healthy, Organic, All-Natural SEO

21 Sep

511652-stock-photo-nature-green-joy-emotions-natural-healthyDid you know that according to www.internetlivestats.com there are over 100,000,000 websites all over the world? And that amongst all of those websites there is yours? Now, we all know everyone’s goal is to appear on the first page of search engines. But how to achieve this with such competition?

Neither your website nor your business will survive if you don’t apply efficient strategies to bring your business website to the first page of search engines, regardless of the excellent products and services you offer,  and with all the other sites competing over the same ambition, you will surely need an excellent plan and the right experts to do the job.

Getting your website on the top of a search engine list or even just on the first page can be a complex task, but we can tell you that the best way to do it is through Organic SEO.


What Is Organic SEO? Is It Something You Eat?

Well, technically yes, let us tell you why:

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which are a series of techniques that help you optimize your website to have a high rank in search engines, like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Your SEO expert and Web Developer will work on SEO strategies to help your website be on the 1st page of all search engines, which will basically make your business website more visible to your customers and hence, you will get more conversions and increase your sales.

It is called “organic” because unlike a PPC campaign, this is a natural and free way to advertise and have high rankings on search engines. In PPC campaigns you have to pay large amounts of money to appear on the first page of Google or any other search engine.

In the following table you will find an example of where paid ads (PPC) and organic search results (SEO) are located in the search results page.


So yes, you could say Organic SEO is something you eat because in the end, that’s what keeps your fridge packed with organic (and non-organic) goodies!


Why Does My Website Needs SEO?

tumblr_mcs4cy3aBI1qhdjtco1_500Let’s put it this way: Your website needs SEO because your business, for all internet users is like Casper the Friendly Ghost of plumbing (if plumbing is what your do, of course): invisible; and practically no one but you knows of your business website existence, so parting from that you have to plan a strategy so potential customers can notice you.

According to www.eMarketer.com, nowadays, most people  spend over 12 hours browsing the internet on mobile devices, and the number keeps increasing significantly year after year. Internet users are looking to buy everything from plumbing services to expensive jewelry through online stores, and business owners are benefiting from this trend and are starting to advertise in a not so advertising kind of way, through organic SEO.


171913One thing that business owners are not aware of, is that ranking just your company name on search engines won’t get you nowhere near the first page. Why? Because although it is completely necessary, there is one tiny little aspect you need to consider: Your prospects DON’T KNOW your business name! so they will never look up for “Frenchy’s Pet Salon” if they’re looking to groom their dogs; instead, they will look for “pet grooming in San Diego”, and that’s where good, effective, all-natural, organic SEO comes into play.

Organic SEO will help your clients find you easily with just typing specific keywords related to your business. A well performed optimization will make your business grow in revenues in a short period of time.


So, Why Should I Choose Organic SEO As a Marketing Strategy For My Business?

Well, there are many, many reasons, but basically…


1. Because It  Works

It has been proved that effective organic SEO works. It makes your website visible to internet users all over the world!

2. Because It is Not Going to Stop Working Anytime Soon

Despite all the rumors about the death of SEO, it is still as alive as it can be, and no Google update is going to change that (at least for now).

3. Because It Is Cost Effective

An effective SEO campaign is an investment on your website that will return every penny spent. Trust us.

4. Because Your Competitors Are Doing It

All business owners know that SEO plays an important role on their marketing efforts, and we’re sure your competitors are doing it as well, that’s why you need to keep up with the good work and tune your efforts to make your business stand apart from the others.

5. Because SEO Will Help People Find Your Website

The main idea behind a business website is to reach a wider audience with the aim of generating new leads to increase your business revenues. SEO helps people find your website and achieve these goals that otherwise would be impossible to accomplish.

6. Because it Increases Traffic

though an effective optimization of your website content you will make sure that the keywords you are using are the proper ones to make all users find your business. SEO will attract and increase traffic on your site with high conversion potential to your business.

7. Because SEO is a Measurable Marketing Strategy

All aspects of SEO can be measured and evaluated to make sure all marketing efforts are going in the right direction, and that the investment you are doing is being cost-effective.


What Are the Steps to SEO?

five-stepsThere are many things that your SEO expert has to do in order to optimize your website, but here are some of the basics:




1. Exhaustive Keyword Research

2. Come Up With a List of Terms

3. Optimize the Backend Code of Your Site With the Keywords

4. Write Tags, Descriptions and Headlines for Your Content

5. Create New Pages Incorporating Your Search Terms

6. Optimize Your Existing Content for Search Terms


Is Organic SEO Only About Keywords?

While having good quality keywords on your site’s content is useful, SEO is not only about stuffing your content with as many keywords as you can think of. Doing this can have fatal consequences for your business website and can be either penalized by Google or permanently removed from the web for ever… ever… ever…ever… ev…


You must never  forget that people who are searching for your services are actually interested in what you have to say and expect to find helpful information they can use from your website, they want to find readable, interesting and educational content, not just some website that beside being useless, makes navigation difficult and annoying.

Organic SEO will naturally integrate prize-winning keywords to all copy on your website so you can appear on Google’s first page and stop being invisible to your customers.


In a Nutshell…

Organic SEO is a technical optimization your SEO expert will make so the search engines know your page exists. After the search engines recognize your website you can start reaching the right crowd, and this, along with other marketing efforts like social media sharing and content development will let people know your page exists.

Traditional SEO basically means rearranging your website’s template, looking for the right keywords and linking content to make your website visible to others.

The magic of organic SEO will make your website unique in a sea of overly saturated information on the same topics, so there is no way your business can skip this step, either you embrace organic SEO or you sink to die in a trans-fat-non-SEO nation. Your choice!





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