Web Presence Management and Optimization for Local Companies



27 Jan

2010 is the Year of Internet Marketing

All business and website owners should be asking themselves how much they really know about their Internet website and their business. For example, do you know the percentage of your revenue that is generated by your online presence? Are there many people searching for your type business product or service

08 Dec

Marketing Suffers During a Recession as Budgets are cut

The recession that the United States is slowly coming out of hit the marketing budget for most companies really hard.  During a recession, it is the marketing budget that gets slashed to make way for other expenses which are deemed more relevant and important.  However, studies and our vast experience

07 Dec

Online Video Advertising Offers Endless Opportunities

The topic of online video marketing is not something new, but it is still something that is underused.  Business owners should take advantage of the opportunities that online video offers.  Online video popularity continues to grow at an unbelievably rapid pace.  Business owners should tap into this growth and create

03 Dec

Google Includes Regional Information in Search Results

If you are a webmaster, you may want to start supplying geographical region information when doing Google submissions.  In case you have not paid close attention, some search results in Google have begun to include this particular information. Geographical information can be invaluable because it allows you to quickly determine